In recent years, personal electronics have undergone significant transformations. Millions of viewers now binge-watch their favorite series on sophisticated, super-thin TVs. Streaming services keep even the most (on)demanding movie buff up-to-date, and digital technology has changed how we listen to music.
But your media system is more than just a collection of electronic devices. The furniture that houses your system must be engineered to protect, organize, and present your investment for years to come.
Whether you are an audiophile with a taste for vintage 45s or a widescreen enthusiast living out loud in Dolby Atmos surround sound, how do you determine which furniture is going to match the needs of your system and your style?
Now that you have a sense of the style you are looking for and the storage space that you need, what else do you look for in a TV cabinet? Much more. Thoughtfully engineered furniture will make your system easy to set up, maintain, and adjust to your changing needs and the latest in technology.
Features to Look For
BDI partnered with AV manufacturers and installation professionals to determine the features that meet the needs of even the most demanding systems. BDI were first to market with a host of user-friendly features designed to protect your equipment while presenting it in style. BDI was also the first to introduce furniture designed to accommodate soundbars.
Individual needs will vary, depending on your equipment. But whether you're creating a complete home theater experience or simply looking to display your screen in style, here are some of the features to look out for when considering your selection.
1. Remote Access
Whether you decide to keep your components out on display or hidden discreetly behind closed doors, they need to remain remote control-accessible. Tinted glass, louvered and perforated metal doors allow remote signals to pass through unobstructed. When selecting solid doors, adding an IR-repeater ensures that your remote is always in touch.
2. Mobility
Whether you need to access your connections or are just doing the occasional cleaning, hidden wheels allow you to glide an entire system away from the wall for easy access to cables and connections. Integrated levelers enable you to lift a cabinet off its wheels when it needs to be secured.
3. Cable Management
Electronic cables can have a mind of their own, resulting in messy entanglements and disorganized clutter. An integrated wire management system will keep all of your components well-connected but hidden away.
4. Speaker Storage
If you are concealing a center channel speaker or a full-range soundbar, select furniture that has acoustic transparency. Speakers can be kept neatly out of sight, yet still provide a full range of sound.
5. Adjustability
Components come in all sizes. Adjustable compartments allow you to reposition your setup whenever your needs change. Vibration control shelf pins keep vibration to a minimum and ensure components perform at peak levels.
6. Accessibility
Access to cables and connections is a must. Look for easy access to the rear of components via removable panels, providing convenient access whenever you need to change your setup.
7. Ventilation
Media furniture shouldn't only look cool, it needs to stay cool. Electronic components generate a lot of heat that has to escape somewhere, so go with furniture that has built-in ventilation to promote airflow.
8. Security
Secure your TV to prevent accidents, utilizing a safety strap connected to your cabinet. This is particularly important in households with small children with curious hands.
The adage is as true with home theater furnishings as it is with anything else: you get what you pay for. Quality home theater furniture can offer you a lifetime of enjoyment, whether you are an X-Boxer, Amazon princess, or Hulu hooper. Make sure your selections are sturdy, full of user-friendly features, and engineered to go the distance.
Is it time to upgrade your home entertainment setup? Now's your chance. Aboda Decor is having an incredible sale on entertainment furniture, and you don't want to miss it!
Get the best prices of the year at Aboda Decor's Entertainment Sale! From July 20th till 31st, save 15% on home theatre furniture, media consoles and more.
Head to or visit us at 31 Commerce Park Drive, Barrie, Ontario to enjoy this exciting offer!
See you soon!